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The website for author Tony Auffret

Colorful Books
News Update
Imperfectly Innocent,
the third instalment of the Tufton Street Series, has been accepted for publication.


At a time when the foundations of trust and loyalty are being shaken to their very core, Harry Nevile, has to decide what information he can share with whom and when.  Facts are one thing, interpretation quite another, and evidence is rarely conclusive.  How many people would look at a brick and see a house?



Latest Blog
Trapped in the Real World.
Why I Envy Fantasy/Horror Novelists.


Writing a novel based on who knew what and when can be tricky.  Set it thirty years in the past and try to remember what state of the art technology really was, makes it even more difficult.  Better to create a fantasy/supernatural world where the laws of the universe are yours to play with?​


Read the blog​​

The Tufton Street Series


The series begins with 'The Death of a Smoker'.  

Is a Cambridge Science Park company collaborating with a Soviet germ warfare agency?  Why have they imported a potential  bioweapon virus?  

Described as 'an  intellectual cat-and-mouse game, layered upon the proclivities of British scientists, spies, and spy masters'.


 'Unsavoury Business' sees Harry Nevile and his team facing a new bioweapon threat, but is a virus that kills only 10% of infected people really a threat?  'Tantalising the most clued up fans of the genre.'


'Imperfectly Innocent".  

Once suspicion is woken from its slumbers and raises its head, it never sleeps again.

Coming soon.



Colorful Books
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